Wedding Paper Divas CONTEST Winner!
And the winner is..........
Michelle from {Starry-eyed Barefoot Bride}! "Many things can add a southern flair to a wedding, from the down home food to the backyard of a big 'ol mansion setting, and even the smaller touches like Mason jars used for drinks or floral arrangements. But the KEY thing that makes a wedding southern regardless of the setting or decor, is the one thing you can't find anywhere else in the world - Southern Hospitality! To me, this is a phrase that encompasses wonderful things like southern comfort (the feeling! Not the liquor!), sweet southern charm, et al. Its a feeling of being at home, and welcome as soon as you set foot in the door, regardless of where you are from or how many people you know at the event... all this and a little 'twang is what sets a southern wedding apart from anything else."
Congratulations! Thank you so much to everyone who entered. We loved so many of these comments that we may contact you about printing them in our print edition! Thank you to the wonderful people at {Wedding Paper Divas} for the fabulous contest prize. Email me your contact info and we will get you connected with the WPD team for your custom thank you notes.
Oh yes, there is another fabulous contest starting tomorrow! Stay tuned for details...
Southern brides know the importance of being gracious and saying thank you for those wooden plates. (Southern brides, you know what I mean! Wooden dishes are more valuable than Konigliche Porzellan Manufaktur place settings around these parts. Check out the woodenware collection from one of our fav local stores, {Artesana}) The F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S folks at {Wedding Paper Divas} have generously offered the lucky winner a set of 75 thank you notes from their gorgeous signature line. To enter, just leave a comment here telling us what you think makes a wedding "Southern". Contest ends next Monday the 14th at midnight, so get those comments in! You may enter as many comments as you wish. Wedding Paper Divas also hosts one of our favorite blogs, {Diva Dialogue}. Check out these incredible (and affordable) invitations from {Wedding Paper Divas}... gorgeous!
WOOHOOO WOO HOO HOO! WOOHOO WOO HOO HOO!! ('s - Think Vonage commercial.... and click on link to listen if you don't know what song I'm talking about.)
As anyone who knows me, or any fellow Southern Wedding blog stalkers who recognized my name, know I am not a lucky person. I don't win contests! In fact, I almost never even bother listening to the winners cause I know it aint me! I was actually thinking of including that in my vows or toast; something to the effect of :"I enter raffles for the donation aspect, not because I have a shot at winning. When "winning" names are called, I am never paying attention because I know its not me; it never is. But I don't think I'm unlucky. I think everyone has an allotted amount of "lucky" points for life, and I have just been saving mine up. I never bothered to cash them in on raffles or lotteries. Instead, I choose to save my points and cash them all in on April 4th 2009 when I hear him say "I do.""
Guess I need to re-think that because I have 75 ROCKIN thank you cards headed our way!!
Ahh - and for anyone who hasn't yet, check out Wedding Paper Divas, they really have something for everyone.
EEEEKKKK!!!!!! :)
Congratulations!!!!! I had no idea you were a Pensacola gal! How fun to make this connection. Congratulations and thanks for all the kind words. We will get you linked up with WPD ASAP. YAY!
Congratulations!!!! It's great to see someone win who really deserves it...that's great news! I'm so happy you're so happy. :)
Kick butt, girl!
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