So you've now seen our Save the Dates evolve and can share in the "oooohs" and "ahhhhhs."
When the box arrived, it looked liked on a rainy day, someone forgot the soccer ball, so they subbed in my box of Save the Dates. Let's just leave it at - I was nervous to open them. Shipping gods be praised - the insides were just fine and dandy!
For anyone thinking it looks lopsided - look closer... there used to be last names there but I photoshopped them out.
While this whole ordeal wasn't as easy as point click and pay - I wouldn't have changed a thing. I hand delivered the first Save the Date to Guru, who beamed proudly and stuck it to his filing cabinet.
Ironic part? They are exactly what the files look like. That's a good thing - except when I actually opened them I was almost let down. I love 'em, I really do. I couldn't be more proud for the result of the time, and effort that went into making Save the Dates that are really "us". It was just a "This isn't new, I've seen this a million times already!" Silly and ironic? Yes. True initial reaction anyway? Yup.
Anyone else have a bizarre mixed reaction to their papery?
Those are great! Very pretty!
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