This was Adam and I dressed as gangsters for Halloween in 2006.
(note: gangstERS not gangstAS... obviously)
Trying to track down pictures from last year when we went as Sam Adam's and the St. Pauli Girl.

Somewhat "traditional" or as traditional as a Halloween wedding can be, with a touch of whimsy.

Personally, I like this twist on Halloween a little better. A little less pumpkin, a little more dark and spooky... just a little.
The offbeat bride: Tina, Makeup artist for 7 Floors of Hell (haunted houses)
Her offbeat groom: Rob, Haunted house architect
Location & date of wedding: October 24th 2007 at The Cemetery of 7 Floors of Hell in Berea, Ohio
What made our wedding offbeat: It was love made in heaven, but a marriage made in Hell. What didn’t make this happy day offbeat? The theme of the wedding was “Love Never Dies” It was full moon, which we did not plan. The location was one of the big things — we were married in front of the Cemetery of a haunted house. We chose that location not only because we both work there, but because we fell in love there and it has become a huge part of our lives.The groom “Rob” arrived in a coffin, delivered by a hearse and carried by 6 pallbearers. The bridesmaids wore red hooded capes and placed a red rose on the casket. When all the bridal party was present, Rob emerged and took his place next the the Grim Reaper, who officiated the ceremony. I walked down the isle to “Ice Dance” from the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack, and was escorted by my dad dressed as Dracula. The guests came in costumes.
The reception hall started as a empty white building they use for the fair, and ended in black linens and red votive candelabras on each table. We decorated the place with props from the houses, including zombies, gravestones and a chandelier. Our cake topper was sweet. It was a skeleton couple dancing with a tombstone that said “love never dies.” We even cut the cake with a butchers knife to the theme song from the movie Halloween.
Our biggest challenge: Planning a wedding for a Wednesday night. Family and friends were upset, but the haunted house is open thurs-sun. So it would be next to impossible to hold a wedding with customers walking around, not to mention the entire crew from the houses attended or we in the bridal party. So to make sure everyone could make it, the ceremony started at 7pm after most get off work. We had a reception that lasted till midnight and most people we able to stay for at least most of it.
The other big problem we had was the weather — it was really cold! 52 degrees and windy. Not ideal for an outdoor ceremony. It didn’t rain and the ceremony was short and sweet but it packed a dramatic punch!
My favorite moment: Well everyone loves Rob’s entrance. Why does it have to be all about the bride? Its our day not my day. So we shared in the limelight. I love everything about my wedding, I can’t choose a favorite moment.
My offbeat advice: On a budget ask for help. We wrote a letter to local vendors telling them about the wedding. And I got a bunch of freebies and discounts out of it, including our photographer. I did a little advertising for them and everyone is happy. March to the beat of your own drum. This is your wedding, not someone else’s. I’m glad I didn’t listen to everything my family and friends said.
*********************************************************If I had had a Halloween wedding, it would have fallen under the Blue/Orange style board above.... but I sure would have liked to be at this last one as a guest!!