*****WARNING! Photo laden post!******
**ADAM Alert!!!! These are photos of me with wedding hair and veil. To venture beyond is risky to your health and it considered to be AMA (Against Medical/Michelle's Advice) because I kill you!!**
Sorry - we have a large screen that Adam's computer is hooked to, so i dont want this to accidentally pop up before he reads the warning
Just a little further
Here we go!
More small town fun to be had here. One of my brothers is just 2 years my senior and good friends with the daughter of the most talented hair guru in Panama City. Small town, small schools, much to my brother's dismay, we were all friends. Fotula (the hair guru) does not work on Saturdays... unless one of "her girls" really needs her.. say for prom or weddings. For every prom and high school formal, I and a small group of "her girls" would go to her for getting our hair done. All the other girls were real particular about their up-do's. She was always excited when it was my turn cause I'd say "whatever you want to do works for me - funky is fun", and she'd create some great hair that while pretty, looked nothing like anyone else's hair at the dances.
Well, obviously, I'm a bit grown up now and wasn't sure what she'd say about doing my hair. She was thrilled and asked my mother when we could do a trial because she was so excited! So just a few saturdays ago my mother and I went to Fotula and had a wonderful hair trial. I showed her a couple of picutres (below) and talked about the feel of the wedding and said - have at!
My inspiration photos:
(First two from Jasmine Star photography, second two from Bumatay Studio)

Can you tell I like the flower idea? Simple beautiful, beachy fresh and beautiful.... with the veil set at the back of the crown of the head. Other brides look beautiful with a bountiful amount of tulle atop their head.... I look like a ridiculous 5 year old playing dress up... not how I want to be described on my wedding day. My mother, was terrified that I would just pull my hair into a half pony and call it a day. (Unfounded fear, I never had ANY intention of doing my own hair. A successful ponytail is a good hair day for me!)
On to the photos of me!
All by me... or Mom anyway.=)

Note: I had no where to go after this, and I would be seeing Adam in the next few hours so we decided not to do anything full out just so it would fall out soon. I highly recommend doing your hair trial when you have somewhere to go after! Unfortunately, schedules did not permit this good idea to pan out for me.
Its hard to see, but I've got a sparkly hair comb in here (and above). My mother is desperately worried that I wont have enough sparkles.... ummm.. did you see
my dress mom!?

Mom also thought I should take advantage of being a bride and wear a tiara of some kind because, when else would I wear it? (Don't ask me why that means I want to wear one at all, but somehow my mother thinks life might be incomplete without it.) This sparkly band was as close to a tiara as I was willing to go, so I brought it for the trial.

Ok, my favorite photo - look in the background at Fotula's expression (in the brown). Very telling of what we all thought. It looked nice but "meh" and certainly not me.

This was a flower comb thingy I made the night before so I'd have something to try. (Hooray for Hobby Lobby and Weddingbee! 1 fake flower, a plastic hair comb, some beads I already had, and some thread and voila! Good enough to get an idea.

Ok, so we are unanimous that the flower is the hair adornment of choice, and while my hair looked very nice, we all felt it wasn't quite right.

Back to the curling iron!

Getting better! And more me, which made above smile grow.

It'll have more body on top, but in general - this is it! Pulled back by the flower on one side, and let loose on the other!
Random note: It'll actually be the mirror image of this. My right ear normally has 2 earrings in it... sometimes 3. But my left always has 6. (You can see a couple shining through in the top photo.) They are simple studs, but I love them, and the few times I've been without them, people comment that I don't look like me. AND my hair can part on either side, so as of tomorrow, I'm switching sides to have my earrings show a little. Its silly and small but I don't care.

At this point, I am totally happy.
I need to buy/make a better flower thing (cheap plastic comb would not stay put), but other than that - Done.

My mother disagreed. She thinks I didn't have enough sparkle. So back to
The Glass Slipper we went to check out sparkly comb things for the veil.

Its hard to tell, but its sparkly star beachy.

My mother absolutley loved it, I didn't hate it - so we bought it. We'll see if it actually gets worn on the day of, but at least its an option.

At this point, I am sooo over pictures! As you can see on my face.
Whatcha think?
Anyone else give their hair guru free reign, or succomb to mom's wants?